

In 2024, Una María Magnúsdóttir, along with Katla Einarsdóttir, catalouged over 8,000 works by graphic designer Gísli B. Björnsson for the Museum of Design and Applied Art.

Enthusiasm, curiosity, joy and discoveries are the words that come up in relation to the process.  Una María will now share this experience with us.

Coffee and kleinur (Icelandic pastries) will be served, and Gísli will join us for a discussion afterward.

Una María graduated as a graphic designer from the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in 2023. She unexpectedly became an expert in Icelandic ceramics when she cataloged most of the museum’s ceramic collection  and later continued with Gísli B.’s works.

Una is passionate about bookmaking, typography, unconventional lectures, and meaningful conversations.

Event language: Icelandic