

Nordic Forum for Design History 2018

People are welcome to pop in and out of the Forum during the day.

Most of the talks will be in English.

Please register at ingiriduro@honnunarsafn.is before the 20th of November.
Those who register will be invited for lunch.



09 Welcome to the Museum of Design and Applied Art and Garðabær, Sigríður Sigurjónsdóttir

09:15 Introduction to the theme: Copies, Classics & Traditions, Anders V. Munch

09:30 Keynote lecture: Driftwood on Icelandic Coast. Traveling ideas
Guðmundur Oddur, Research Professor, Iceland University of the Arts

10:30 Coffee break

11 Three short presentations and discussion:
An antidote to a “new and unfamiliar image”
Denise Hagströmer, National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo
Carrying on traditions, constructing new identity? The curious case of Carl-Johan Boman
Maija Mäkikalli, University of Lapland
Element Design – Ornamental approach in late nineteenth century paraffin lamp manufacturing
Elin Manker, Department of Culture and Aesthetics, Stockholm University

12:30 Lunch

13:30 Four short presentations and discussion:
Otti Berger, 1898-1944, Bauhaus designer in Scandinavia
Widar Halén, National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo
Textile Designers’ Travels, Diaries and multiple cultural influences: Marianne Strengell and Marjatta Metsovaara
Heidi Pietarinen, Faculty of Art and Design, University of Lapland
The Case of the Finnish Ryijy: Serially Produced Art and “Original” Copies
Leena Svinhufvud, Designmuseo, Helsinki
“The fourth stripe on the candy cane” – Paradoxes and pragmatism concerning the conflicting relation between standardization and copyright in the design critique by Poul Henningsen 1940–1960
Hans-Christian Jensen, University of Southern Denmark

15 Coffee break

16 Keynote lecture: Scandinavian Design and the Dichotomy of Original and Copy,
Stina Teilmann-Lock, Assoc. Prof., Copenhagen Business School

17 Two short presentations and discussion:
Modeller, typer och anonyma former: C.G. Estlanders initiativ och idealet kring den anonyma formen
Susann Vihma, Aalto-universitetet, Helsingfors
Mobilia og møbelfabrikkernes skelnen mellem kopi og klassiker
Kristian Roland Larsen, Syddansk Universitet Kolding

18 Guided tour at the museum

Supported by: Nordic Councel of Ministers, SDU University of Southern Denmark, Estrid-Ericsons Stiftelse, Letterstedska föreningen, Hönnunarsafn Íslands